My activity was to have two people get together, one stands in front of the other with their back towards their partner. That person standing in front will then fall back into their partners arms staying completely straight. Each time, moving farther apart from each other. Jake and Chul were partners for this activity, Chul went first. He stood in front of Jake with his back facing towards him and fell back into his arm starting at a foot distance. He said he was nervous but he kept falling back into Jake each time until Jake was on the floor waiting for Chul to fall back. They switched and Jake went. Chul told him to trust him which is the concept for this project, to be able to trust your partner. They repeated the same steps until Jake went as far as he could. The activity went exactly how I wanted it to go, for the partners to be nervous about letting their bodies fall and then relying on their partner to catch them.
The first activity I was in was Saraswati's. Four people had to write their names on a piece of paper and mix them around in a pile, each person grabbed a paper and who's ever name they got they had to act out that person for 1 minute. I had to play out Thiana. It was really tough to decide how to act her out for an entire minute with 30 seconds to prepare. It was cool because I acted out my interpretation of her, and she had to watch thinking "This is how these people see me as." Jill my roommate had to act out me, that was funny.
The second activity I was in was Sharon's, Chris was my partner. We had to make a conversation alternating our first word with the alphabet. He did A I did B...C, D..It was had at times to think of something that made somewhat sense and started with my letter. Towards the end we said a lot of one word sentences. It was really funny though, we were saying a lot of random stuff.
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