In this piece of art you can see a mother holding a naked baby which is the center of the picture. Around the mom and the baby is a woman and a naked child looking directly up to the baby. In the shadow to the right of the baby is a man. The background is a stone area, probably a house. Finally in the upper right corner of the picture is the blue sky with clouds.
I think the tone of the picture is religious. The people in the picture are suppose to represent Marry holing baby Jesus, the woman and boy as followers of them. The shadowed man is Moses, because he is often the forgotten one seen as he isn't the "real" father of Jesus. So he was purposely put in the background because he was still always there.
I think this is an overall good picture. The author gets the point across, showing baby Jesus as the center of the picture. I think the lighting in the picture was done well, it highlights the focus of the picture perfectly. The contrast from the bright baby to the shadowed man was also done well. It creates a balance to the picture. So overall, I do like this picture.
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