When I made this picture I started off with the outside line, just getting the shape first. Then with a ruler I made different straight shapes inside the figure, then I drew in a few circles. After that I used a couple different gradation values and colored in the different shapes.

1 comment:
This drawing consists of three arms steaming from a large centered triangle. Inside of this shape there are geometric shaded shapes with a variation of shading from white to black. There are three circles placed throughout the piece. The ends of the arms have hooks and one has a point. The diagonal lines of the arms all go in the same direction towards the right. The entire shape leaves at least an inch of blank space around the boarder with a lot of extra white of the paper left.
The directions of the lines are slow and stagnant, with end hooks showing a brash movement. The polka dotted dark circles look like birthmarks, which create focal points of interest. The patchwork shapes that vary look wholesome and are indicative of a quilt, as they are not systematic they have a distinct pattern. The planed look of the lines and shapes show control and management.
This piece reminds me of an origami shape. I do not think the artist used the space of the paper well, the placement could have been done in a way that utilized the space more efficiently. Overall the piece reached the objective of the assignment, but it is not something I would want to put on my wall. It looks lazy. I do not like it.
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