What makes color even more interesting is how each person gets similar feelings but maybe to a different color. I think what makes people like a certain color or dislike a certain color is because a color might mean something to one person and the opposite to the next. Almost like people see the same color but differently. I asked one person what their favorite color was and she said blue then I asked someone else and they said their favorite color was blue also. My next question was why do each of them like that color. One person told me because it reminds them of the ocean and they just like how it does that. The other person said she likes the weird shades of blue and its calming. The same color gave them different emotions.
In conclusion, colors leave such an impact on how people feel and what brings each person to their peace. I think that everyone sees the same shade in colors but it has a different affect on each person. That is why a persons favorite color is an important aspect to what surrounds them. It controls what they think is beautiful an